Dinsdag 2 juni om 20.00 uur, voorafgegaan door een diner om 18.00 uur.
Meer gegevens hieronder.
Pierre Lemieux is een zeer bekend libertariƫr en zijn lezingen (en publicaties) zijn meer dan de moeite waard. We kunnen daarom iedereen bijzonder aanraden om deze lezing bij te wonen.
Jammer dat we vandaag pas horen dat dit morgen al plaats vindt. Anders hadden we nog meer ruchtbaarheid aan deze happening kunnen geven.
Uitnodiging voor de LP bijeenkomst van dinsdag 3 juni 2003
Op dinsdag 3 juni a.s. om 20:00 organiseert de Libertarische Partij de
maandelijkse discussie bijeenkomst.
Pierre Lemieux will speak about:
The state is founded on coercion and violence, although it is rationalized as the only way to avoid more of the same. What is wrong with the state isthat it uses coercion to operate redistributions for the benefit of certain clienteles against other individuals. The challenge is not to abolish the state immediately, which is unrealistic and potentially catastrophic, but to shrink it as much as possible until, hopefully, it withers away. We must cut state powers as much as possible in order to break people’s addiction to the state, and to create conditions whereby non-state solutions can be experimented.
Born in Sherbrooke, QuĆ©bec, Pierre Lemieux is an economist, author, teacher, and consultant living in Quebec, Canada. He has authored six books which deal with different aspects of libertarian theory. Many of his books have been published by major Parisian publishers and translated into foreign languages. With Bill Bonner, he also edited the recent *The Idea of America* (Belles Lettres, 2003). Pierre Lemieux is also a frequent contributor to the Canadian, French and American press. He is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Administrative Sciences, UniversitĆ© du QuĆ©bec en Outaouais (Canada), codirector of the GREL (Groupe de Recherche Ćconomie et LibertĆ©), and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute (Oakland, California). His website is at www.pierrelemieux.org.
Before the main topic, Sarah Fitz-Claridge will speak about if, when and why parents should have a legal obligation to take care of or pay for their children. For instance: Do parents have the right to leave their newly born child on the doorstep of a church? Or should parents be put in jail for this?
Iconoclastic relationship theorist and writer, Sarah Fitz-Claridge, is best-known as the founder of the world-wide libertarian parenting movement, Taking Children Seriously (TCS). Passionate defender of liberty in all spheres of life, Fitz-Claridge is one of the most provocative andentertaining speakers on the libertarian circuit. You can find transcripts of some of her recent speeches on her web site at
A dinner will be held beforehand at 1800 at Chinees Restaurant De Maan on the corner of Thomsonlaan and Fahrenheitstraat, next to Fortis Bank.
De volgende bijeenkomst zal worden gehouden op dinsdag 1 juli, onderwerp is nog onbekend
De bijeenkomst zal worden gehouden aan de Laan van Meerdervoort 415 te Den Haag. Routebeschrijving: Op te vragen bij LP Partijbureau.
Voor meer informatie over deze bijeenkomst kunt u contact opnemen met het partijbureau van de Libertarische Partij.
Arjan van Eersel
Partijbureau Laan van Meerdervoort 415 2563 AR ‘s-Gravenhage
Telefoon (070) 3616071 Info@LibertarischePartij.nl