En dat op de zelfde data dat oorspronkelijk de Libertarian International Fall Conventie zou plaats vinden.
Deze laatse gaat 99% zeker niet door. We krijgen geen informatie uit Engeland.
Voor een groot deel veroorzaakt doordat de beide ouders van de hoofdorganisator terminaal ziek zijn/ waren. De vader is op het afgelopen weekend overleden.
Allemaal erg triest.
De Conferentie van de Objectivisten kunnen we echter iedereen van harte aanbevelen.
I represent a group called ICON, which is organizing a small London conference, 24th – 27th September, covering various aspects of the philosophy of Ayn Rand (Objectivism). We have some very distinguished international speakers including Professor John Ridpath and Professor John Lewis.
Full details can be found at http://www.icognition.biz/i…
Since some of the material is likely to strongly appeal to the interests of Libertarians and their supporters, we should very much like to place our weblink on your site, perhaps with a simple headline announcing the conference. If this is possible, could you let me know if there’s anything more you’d need from us?
Time is growing short for this event now, but we are very keen to attract a broad audience with sympathies to free-market economics and individual rights.
Many thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Yours sincerely, Adam J. Smith
Perhaps we could remind our Objectivist sisters and brothers that although
Henry B. Veatch was perplexed by Rand’s use of “life” as the ultimate end, since she gives no precise indication of what “man’s life qua man” might be. (Chris Matthew Sciabarra, “Ayn Rand – The Russian Radical”, Pennsylvania UP, 1995, p. 251),
John Hospers, a libertarian (thus not an Objectivist) who, according to Barbara Branden, in “The Passion of Ayn Rand”, had discussions with Ayn Rand before reading Atlas Shrugged, nevertheless still refers to this definition on pp. 254-256 of the 1997, 4th edition (Routledge), of his “An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis”.
For those who don’t know, Henry B. Veatch is the author of “Rational Man – A modern interpretation of Aristotelian ethics”, of which the 40th anniversary edition was published in 2002 by Liberty Fund in Indianapolis with an introduction by Douglas B. Rasmussen. He taught at several universities.
[1] I am coming in on this discussion late. Could anyone provide me with the full context?
[1] I am coming in on this discussion late. Could anyone provide me with the full context?
[2] [3] Dear Douglas,
Did you realize that this was about a meeting in September "2004" ?
On this site is only the above.
Let me know if I can do anything more for you,
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