Actie van de Week.

Deze week een heel ander soort actie. Misschien niet iets voor iedereen, maar wel belangrijk.

Wees creatief! Stuur je idee!

Uit een aantal gesprekken is namelijk gerold dat er in Amsterdam een feest/seminar/conventie georganiseerd gaat worden. En wel om twee dingen tegelijk te vieren:

-2005 Het Jaar van Ayn Rand


Dit zal plaats vinden op 3, 4, en 5 juni 2005.

U kunt daarbij helpen.

De beslissing om dat feest in ieder geval door te laten gaan, is genomen door Andreas Tauber, de President van het Atlas Institute Europe. Zie zijn brief hier beneden, of/en bezoek zijn website:

De organisatie is in een heel pril stadium, en nodig zijn onder andere:

-Punt 1 is een zaal waar alles kan plaats vinden. En omdat de kosten daarvan veel invloed hebben op de deelnemersprijs, graag een zo goedkoop mogelijke (liefst gratis) mogelijkheid. Wie weet die te vinden?

-Wie wil daadwerkelijk actief helpen om er een succes van te maken?

-Suggesties voor sprekers en/of onderwerpen die je graag zou willen horen.

Suggesties en/of adviezen voor andere dingen die met het seminar gecombineerd kunnen worden.

Je kunt jezelf zelfs al voorlopig als deelnemer opgeven om de organisatoren een beter idee te geven van het aantal deelnemers waarmee rekening moet worden gehouden.


Dear Friends of Liberty,

in conjunction with Ayn Rand’s centennial birthday, the Atlas Institute Europe is organizing a weekend seminar to honor her achievement in philosophy. As stated in her book Philosophy, Who Needs It, you, as a human being “… have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy.

Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation – or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes, doubts and fears, thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious mind into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight: self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind’s wings should have grown.”

In this sense I cordially invite you to be part in this venue, the Atlas Institute Europe’s first Objectivist conference, that is going to take place from June 3-5, 2005 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and is meant to cover the broad spectrum of Objectivist thought in order to help your mind’s wings grow again. The particular topics that are going to be covered in this conference will depend on your contribution whether intellectually as a speaker, benevolently as a service providing individual, or simply as the venue’s participant.

What is needed now most of all is a suitable location for such an event that will provide enough space for the amount of roughly 60 people. Preferable would be a location that AIE may use for free during the time of the conference in order to avoid cover charges that otherwise would have to be collected before the event. My thoughts so far were leaning towards a university campus, a public building, a conference room of a company, or a conference room in a hotel that would then be financed by the participants’ food consumption there.

As the president of AIE I have gotten already a lot of support by Hubert Jongen, president of Libertarian International, nonetheless the realization of the event will have to depend on more than just we both of us. I therefore invite you most of all to enter in contact with me in order to give me first hand advice in the first essential discussed above, or even better, to become part of the organizing team of this event. Surely enough, your degree of participation is completely up to your disgression, as it cannot be otherwise expected from you as a friend of an individualist philosophy to accept someone that would use collective force against you, such as Atilla or the witch doctor would certainly do. Beyond the exact locality in Amsterdam, I surely look already out for speakers for this event. Since my last talk at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Bonn, Germany on Ayn Rand’s life, I am again preparing a talk for this event, for which I still have to decide on the exact topic. In part, this decision will depend on what I hear from you, or more precisely from those that are interested to hold a lecture as well. In the hope of responses to this invitation, I will use the Institute’s website to inform you about the project’s developments.

Yours benevolently,

Andreas W. Tauber, President of the Atlas Institute Europe

P.S.: You may reach me at the following Email-Address: