We schreven al eerder dat de EU de prijs van textiel (te) hoog houdt door China te beletten om textielproducten te leveren.
Nu willen de EU-politici ook prijsverhogende maatregelen voor schoenen opleggen.
Zouden de politici die voor het referendum zo sterk beweerden dat we zoveel voordelen van de EU hadden, hierop gedoeld hebben?
Misschien voordelen voor de Europese schoenfabriekanten maar wel ten koste van de vele burgers die schoenen moeten kopen! En dat treft de lage inkomens en werklozen het hardst.
Laten we blij zijn dat de EU een (voorlopig) halt is toegeroepen doordat zo veel mensen TEGEN die EU-Grondwet gestemd hebben. Maar uit dit schoen-verhaal ziet u duidelijk dat we er nog lang niet zijn.
Meer ACTIES zijn nodig het bereikte te versterken en om meer betutteling uit Brussel (en uit Den Haag) de kop in te drukken.
Zie ook:
EU verhindert goedkope kleding
Zie ook de bespreking van de gevolgen van het Euro-protectionisme op:
Ah, deze Vrijsprekers dachten dat er vrijhandel heerste.
Was er vrijhandel vo’o’r de EU? Ook niet!
Zolang er en overheid is, zal het niet gaan.
Kies daarom resoluut voor ANARCHISME en stop met bedwelmende acties.
Werp eens een bom (midden in de zee) voor de verandering.
Belgian (6/10/05; 12:46:37MT – usagold.com msg#: 133017)
I suspect that something (drastic) has happened, Sir. You might have it right with €-POG breaking through the 350 €/Oz barrier.
All of a sudden, China seems very accomodative (yuan-textile quota, etc). Could it be that IMF gold (x-tonnes) is to be shipped to China and that the dollar AND euro devalue together versus the Asian currencies !? Western alliance versus Asian (super)power !? And let’s pull the whole of Asia deeper into the IMF and use stick + golden carot for further $-IMS support…for a considerable (?) period of time.
Let’s watch if the oil-pricers are also pleased with higher goldprices and if this is a good reason to increase output (somewhat) > Lower $(and €)-POO
$-€ exchange rate : USTB-10 yrs = 4,1% and German bunds-10 yrs = 3,14% What will happen to the $-€ exch.rate, if and when both IRs converge !?
Solana is in Bagdad (with Straw). What if a renewed UN is to be funded with a "global" tax on oil !? Less US unilateralism ?
Or, are we simply seeing the West organizing a fresh wind of controlled inflation (currency-depreciation)
drastic = strong and severe
zijn we er dan?
Wacht, nu moet ik weten of goud de 350 euro naar boven of beneden heeft doorkruist.
ik vermoed naar boven.
toch checken
Kitco.com geeft 426,9 dollar
geeft 352,1711 euro
mijn vermoeden was juist
Ik heb nu een heel week-end (en langer) om de rest proberen te begrijpen. Solana dieje was vroeger bij de UNO zeker, nu bij de EU – buitenlandse zakken.
Ah, ge voegt er China en textiel bij. Over textiel heb ik gisteren iets geschreven bij vrijspreker.nl
BBC vandaag
The European Union and China have agreed a deal to limit exports of Chinese textiles into Europe after last-ditch talks to calm a trade row.
The US, meanwhile, held its own abortive talks in Beijing earlier this month.
Ah ja, dus met de hamburgers geen akkoord, met de Europezen wel.
The UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has met leaders in Baghdad as part of a visit to Iraq by a high level European Union delegation
It also formed part of preparations for an international conference about Iraq to be hosted by the EU on 22 June.
Op 22 juni gaat het dus gebeuren. Inch’Allah!
CoBra(too) (06/10/05; 17:30:50MT – usagold.com msg#: 133028)
A Sea Change in Conception?
I do believe we are witnessing a sea change in global currency markets vis a vis the only currency of lasting value – Gold.
The €/Gold price has broken above 350 and closed at 352.11. Even vis a vis a surging Dollar gold started to rise quite dramatically when the BO in €’s happened.
Whatever the l.t. realignment of major currency blocks may be – gold will be the ultimatze winner; And it is now determined to show its intrinsic strenght even whiter all constraints and shackles.
DUE TO THE REJECTION OF A COMMON CONSTITUTION IS ONLY POLITICAL NOISE; THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT WAS REJECTED – POLITICAL UNIFORMISM. (benadrukt door onze huisidioot) Otherwise the EU still stands on the same pillars it stood for quite a while now.
A constitution may be relegated back to the drawing boards at one stage – and effectively noone’s the poorer. I rather feel it’s quite positive that the voters rejected a political agenda, only benefitting "Brussels". (Would wish the US public could vote on ever increasing Homeland security idiocies … etc.)
Well, to sum it up, the EU problems be it in the no vote, the slow pace of the economy, the unemployment et al may not be as drastic as seen by US economists using their domestic $-based yardsticks. The EU still uses less hedonic measures for their economies performance; It also suffers from sizeable government deficits, though it still has overall current account surplusses and positive private saving rates as well as corpoprate liquidity.
In sum the US monetary and financial problems are of a magnitude that invite disaster on any front- be it derivative, mortgage or even TSY related. And yes, the rest of the globalized world will feel its devastating impact – and thats why the implosion was deferred until now.
How much longer? Not for ever – would be my guess!
Got Gold? cb2
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