NL-regering (1 juni): “Een auto die na 24 mei 2008 in het verkeer wordt gebracht, mag alleen een bullbar hebben met een EG-typegoedkeuringsmerk
LSR : Libertarische Schaduw Regering: Deel mee aan de EU dat we wel onze eigen regels kunnen maken, en dat we die dan aan de vrije markt over laten.
*) LSR: Libertarische Schaduw Regering: zie WOORDENLIJST
maakt de LSR haar eigen regels.
laten we de LSR de markt haar eigen regels maken.
De LSR moet weten wat ze wil.
Anders heeft de lSR een contradictie in haar kop
moet ze van morgen woensdag tot vrijdag naar Heiligendamm bij Rostock voor de G8 Top.
The G8 summit is a mechanism for developed countries to keep the world economy going.
At present, this world economy is unbalanced.
Heiligendamm should thus aim at restoring balanced development in the economic order.
“What is the problem we wish to solve when we try to construct a rational economic order?”, asked Friedrich von HAYEK at the outset of his 1945 paper
“The Use of Knowledge in Society”
(”American Economic Review”, XXXV, No. 4 (September, 1945), 519-530…)
Hayek argued in section I of the paper
that the data from which the economic calculus starts are never for the whole society “given” to a single mind which could work out the implications and can never be so given,
and that the necessary knowledge never exists in concentrated or integrated form but solely as the dispersed bits of incomplete and frequently CONTRADICTORY KNOWLEDGE which all the separate individuals possess.
Hayek concluded section I by arguing that many of the current disputes with regard to both economic theory and economic policy have their common origin in a MISCONCEPTION about the nature of the economic problem of society. And he said in his final sentence of section I that this misconception in turn is due to an erroneous transfer to social phenomena of the habits of thought we have developed in dealing with the phenomena of nature.
Hayek does not seem to elaborate in his paper on the difference between social phenomena and phenomena of nature.
Let me try to do it.
Hayek said 60 years ago in section I of his paper that that the necessary knowledge to solve the problems of [this global economy] never exists in concentrated or integrated form but solely as the dispersed bits of incomplete and frequently CONTRADICTORY KNOWLEDGE which all the separate individuals possess.
(ECONOMIC) REALITY, on the other hand, is governed by the PRINCIPLE OF NON-CONTRADICTION (PNC) which says that it is impossible to be and not to be at the same time and in the same respect.
Contradictions are inadmissible because contradictions deny the DISTINCTION BETWEEN THAT WHICH IS AND THAT WHICH IS NOT. This denial is the result of identifying being with non-being. Contradictions lead to the destruction, that is the reduction to nothing, of knowledge.
(Fernand Van Steenberghen, “Philosophie fondamentale”, Longueuil, Quebec, F-X. de Guibert-Editions du Preambule, 1989, p. 298)
The PNC is a law of being which the most certain truth that is the basis of every demonstration and therefore of every science as well. Whereas all other (particular) sciences deal with the principles which are proper to the specific province of reality they examine, they borrow from metaphysics the more universal principles which, though lying beyond their particular scope, are necessarily assumed by all of them. The very use of speech, in fact, rests in fact on the PNC.
(Ignatius Yarza, “History of Ancient Philosophy”, Manila, Sinag-Tala Publishers, 1994, p. 145 – 146)
Logical thinking and real life are not two separate orbits. Logic is for man the only means to master the problems of reality. What is contradictory in theory is no less contradictory in reality.
(Ludwig von Mises, “Human Action – A Treatise on Economics”, p. 185, chapter IX, section 3 “Might”, subsection “Traditionalism as ideology”…
Although China has no democratic pretensions, one of the problems of China would be that it is an authoritarian one-party state with POLITICAL PRISONERS.
In the US, the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act makes the jailing of people who violate antitrust law possible.
This means that US Law explicitly provides for ECONOMIC PRISONERS.
The law, the Sherman Antitrust Act, says that people who violate the Sherman Antitrust Act should go to jail.
As Alan Greenspan said 45 years ago:
The world of antitrust is reminiscent of Alice’s Wonderland: everything seemingly is, yet apparently isn’t, simultaneously. It is a world in which competition is lauded as the basic axiom and guiding principle, yet ’too much’ competition is condemned as ‘cutthroat.’ It is a world in which actions designed to limit competition are branded as criminal when taken by businessmen, YET PRAISED AS ‘ENLIGHTENED’ WHEN INITIATED BY THE GOVERNMENT. It is a world in which the law is so vague that businessmen have no way of knowing whether specific actions will be declared illegal until they hear the judge’s verdict — after the fact.
(ANTITRUST, BY ALAN GREENSPAN, Based on a paper given at the Antitrust Seminar of the National Association of Business Economists, Cleveland, September 25, 1961. Published by Nathaniel Branden Institute, New York, 1962.
www DOT polyconomics DOT com/searchbase/06-12-98.html )
The question is:
Economic prisoners in the US
Political prisoners in China
Remember that the G8 summit is a mechanism for developed countries to keep the world ECONOMY going.
Then ask yourself, which of those two G8 members should be allowed to throw the first stone at the other?
The US member who, while having ECONOMIC prisoners (and obfuscating this), is contradicting herself by accusing the other member of having POLITICAL prisoners? The US member who’s violating the PNC in her mind?
The Chinese member who is in the process of constructing a rational and balanced economic order without economic prisoners?
How can the US, with its ECONOMIC prisoners, argue that its intent is to deal with the ECONOMIC imbalances and to restore balance in the unbalanced world economy and to keep the world economy going?
Washington should first repeal the Sherman Antitrust Act and release all economic prisoners.
By the same token, the European Union should also repeal its competition law.
It is impossible to be and not to be at the same time and in the same respect.
Imagine there’s no countries,
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
You…you may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will live as one
John Lennon
For Plotinus (c. 205–270 AD), everything proceeds from the One and all things eventually return to this absolute principle, the One, the foundation of all being.
This principle lies above all being.
It is above all determination.
[2] Dit is ordinaire spam. Dit moeten we niet laten gebeuren. Cerkel spuit hier zijn eigen blogitems als een koekoeksei op andermans blog. Hoort niet in bloggersland – zelfs niet indien de inhoud interessant is.
Zoals ik zei
maakt de LSR haar eigen regels.
laten we de LSR de markt haar eigen regels maken.
Ik schreef in mijn oorspronkelijke reactie:
"Anders heeft de lSR een contradictie in haar kop"
Daarna citeer ik dan Hayek bij/van wie ik dat argument ontleen:
"CONTRADICTORY KNOWLEDGE which all the separate individuals possess".
Moet ik dat nou echt vertalen naar het Vlaemsch?
Reden waarom ik dit hier graag in het Engels zet is dat Google het hier gemakkelijk kan vinden.
[5] Misschien hebben we ook een LSRb nodig? Een Libertarische Schaduw Rechtbank.
Die kan dan mensen (vnl. politici) symbolisch veroordelen volgens libertarisch recht.
[7] Yaa … yaaa … net als zoveel meer gaten in ons hoofd. Wart een ge-Papagaai …
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