Wij ontvingen een update van de uitnodiging om aan deze conventie (op 28 -29 juni) deel te nemen.

Ik weet uit ervaring dat het een feest is om op deze conventies gelijkgezinde mensen te ontmoeten en er gesprekken mee te hebben over de vrijheid. Vandaar de aanbeveling om eens serieus te proberen om dit mee te maken.

De update volgt hier onder.

Dear Friends of Liberty,

The 28-29 June Conference in Warsaw will be the most exciting event of the libertarian year. It is the moment we all wait for, the opportunity to meet new friends from across Europe, to catch up with old ones and to recharge our intellectual batteries.

This year the Conference will feature a wonderful mix of speakers we know and love, and inspiring students and scholars, who will be the voice of our movement in the years to come. Be the first to meet and discuss with these young radicals. We have an impressive venue in the Kazimierzowski Palace and there will be plenty of time for studying and for socialising.

Rather than a formal banquet, we’ll meet on Saturday evening in an old manor for a delirious night of true Polish food, beer, games, quizzes and amazing prizes.
And don’t miss the post-conference tour that will take us to the romantic city of Krakow, with its medieval streets and baroque churches, and to an eerie visit of Auschwitz.

All the details are on the website Choose a hotel.
Register for the conference and register for the tour.
Now is the time to do it.
Email us or call if you have any question. We very much look forward to meeting you all in Warsaw for a great moment of challenging ideas and plain good libertarian fun.

Christian Michel
President Libertarian International

Mikolaj Barczentewicz
Conference Executive