[Wat politici kunnen aanrichten]
Op een forum kwam ik dit bericht tegen: Zimbabwe, net zo erg of erger, ook zo’n ramp in Afrika. Bekendheid geven aan de (zwarte) terreur is wat moet gebeuren; bij deze.
Afrika werd al gemeden door de Romeinen 20000 jaar geleden. Even hebben de blanke kolonialen er richting aan gegeven. Humanitair niet altijd even goed, maar in ieder geval wel economisch goed. De wraak / terugslag is vreselijk, echter de meeste doden vallen tussen de zwarte Afrikaners onderling. Altijd nog, een humanitaire ramp, veroorzaakt door de mens zelf.
Pol Pot kan er nog wat van leren.
Via Skype sprak ik vanmiddag met iemand van Zimbabwe. Ik vroeg of het waar was wat we hoorden en lazen. Zijn antwoord was “ja en veel en veel erger”. Hij brak snel af doodsbang voor de geheime dienst.
Hier is een brief (email) uit Zimbabwe en inderdaad, de regering daar is gek geworden.
Stuur het door aan mensen en aan het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
Letter from Zimbabwe
I reckon that these are the last days of TKM and ZPF. The darkest hour is always before dawn.
We are all terrified at what they are going to destroy next……..I mean they are actually ploughing down brick and mortar houses and one white family with twin boys of 10 had no chance of salvaging anything when 100 riot police came in with AK47’s and bulldozers and demolished their beautiful house – 5 bedrooms and pine ceilings – because it was “too close to the airport”, so we are feeling extremely insecure right now.
You know – I am aware that this does not help you sleep at night, but if you do not know – how can you help? Even if you put us in your own mental ring of light and send your guardian angels to be with us – that is a help – but I feel so cut off from you all knowing I cannot tell you what’s going on here simply because you will feel uncomfortable. There is no ways we can leave here so that is not an option.
I ask that you all pray for us in the way that you know how, and let me know that you are thinking of us and sending out positive vibes…
that’s all. You can’t just be in denial and pretend/believe it’s not going on.
To be frank with you, it’s genocide in the making and if you do not believe me, read the Genocide Report by Amnesty International which says we are – IN level 7 – (level 8 is after it’s happened and everyone is in denial).
If you don’t want me to tell you these things-how bad it is-then it means you have not dealt with your own fear, but it does not help me to think you are turning your back on our situation. We need you, please, to get the news OUT that we are all in a fearfully dangerous situation here. Too many people turn their backs and say – oh well, that’s what happens in Africa. This Government has GONE MAD and you need to help us publicize our plight— or how can we be rescued? It’s a reality! The petrol queues are a reality, the pall of smoke all around our city is a reality, the thousands of homeless people sleeping outside in 0 Celsius with no food, water, shelter and bedding are a reality. Today a family approached me, brother of the gardener’s wife with two small children. Their home was trashed and they will have to sleep outside. We already support 8 adult people and a child on this property, and electricity is going up next month by 250% as is water.
How can I take on another family of 4 —–and yet how can I turn them away to sleep out in the open?
I am not asking you for money or a ticket out of here – I am asking you to FACE the fact that we are in deep and terrible danger and want you please to pass on our news and pictures. So PLEASE don’t just press the delete button! Help best in the way that you know how.
Do face the reality of what is going on here and help us SEND OUT THE WORD.. The more people who know about it, the more chance we have of the United Nations coming to our aid. Please don’t ignore or deny what’s happening. Some would like to be protected from the truth BUT then, if we are eliminated, how would you feel? “If only we knew how bad it really was we could have helped in some way”.
[I know we chose to stay here and that some feel we deserve what’s coming to us]
For now,— we ourselves have food, shelter, a little fuel and a bit of money for the next meal – but what is going to happen next? Will they start on our houses? All property is going to belong to the State now. I want to send out my Title Deeds to one of you because if they get a hold of those, I can’t fight for my rights.
Censorship!—-We no longer have SW radio [which told us everything that was happening] because the Government jammed it out of existence – we don’t have any reporters, and no one is allowed to photograph. If we had reporters here, they would have an absolute field day. Even the pro-Government Herald has written that people are shocked, stunned, bewildered and blown mindless by the wanton destruction of many folks homes, which are supposed to be ‘illegal’ but for which a huge percentage actually do have licenses.
Please! – do have some compassion and HELP by sending out the articles and personal reports so that something can/may be done. “I am one. I cannot do everything, —but I can do something.. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do.” –
Edward Everett Hale
RED: Ja, wat kun je doen? Beseffen wat de gevolgen van politieke macht zijn en er aan werken dat die macht zo klein mogelijk wordt. Iets voor de lange termijn. De mensen in Zimbabwe zullen daar niet nu mee geholpen kunnen worden.
veeeeeeeeeel ontwikkelingshulp sturen dat helpt…….
Zo is dat, stuur eens 16 miljoen en een privevliegtuig?
Nee, stuur het NL leger om de wapens terug te halen die ze voor voedsel zouden gebruiken, zal niet lukken, maar dan wordt het wel internationaal
Dit vindt de USA ervan over het politieke gebeuren
Legal system:
Definition Field Listing
mixture of Roman-Dutch and English common law
Mag ik er dan uit opmaken dat NL de zelfde kant op gaat?
Dit is de link:https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/zi.html
Wow, Gregorius Nekschot opgepakt. Doe daar eens wat mee? Interviewtje over 24 uur?
[6] Dit hoort eigenlijk meer bij de ‘Wormen en Maden van de Balkenbende’.
Voortaan klinkt ook het Marokkaanse volkslied bij de jaarlijkse dodenherdenking op de Franse militaire begraafplaats in het Zeeuwse Kapelle.
De onderdrukking en geschiedvervalsing is in volle gang.
Hier krijge de zwarten een koekje van eigen deeg. Ze wilde toch zo graag van de blanke overheersers af. Dit land was onder Brits bestuur een welvaarend land en zeer rijk!
Letop Zuid-Afrika volgt in een rap thempo Zimbabwe op.
Europa is toch zo weg van Mandele en zijn partij. Ons Koninghuis zweert er bij.
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