Een week lang feesten en kennismaken met de mogelijkheden voor een libertarische vrijstaat.
Dit “feest”met lezingen, excursies en nog veel meer is van
<b>9 – 15 juni in New Hampshire.</b>
De staat met spreuk:”Live Free or die” en met symbool een “Egel”.
Whether you’re already a Free State Project participant, simply considering it, or want to have a good time with fellow pro-liberty activists,
PorcFest is a great event to attend. There’s concerts, bonfires, vendors, state tours, shooting range trips, and more, all intended to showcase New Hampshire and the Free State Project community in a relaxed, social, and fun atmosphere.
To get a better idea of what the festival and its attendees are like, watch the trailer based on last year’s festival, view the photo gallery, read some press coverage, review answers to Frequently Asked Questions, or visit any of the links below.
If you are planning to attend, please register and book your hotel or campsite ASAP as they will sell out for the weekend of the 13th due to PorcFest’s overlap with Laconia Bike Week. The FSP has reserved lodging space, but it’s not unlimited and is first come, first serve. Lodging details are posted on the lodging section of the site.
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