Het subsidiëren van personen die zich bezighouden met de productie van schilderijen en zich kunstenaar noemen , leidt tot onder meer de volgende verschijnselen:
01. de hoeveelheid aangeboden schilderijen stijgt kunstmatig tot een groter volume dan bij vrije werking van vraag en aanbod het geval zou zijn geweest.
02.tot de beroepsgroep treden toe grote aantallen participanten die in een vrije markt nimmer geselecteerd zouden zijn om de betreffende functie in de maatschappij uit te oefenen
03 het gemiddelde niveau van de aangeboden schilderijen zakt tot ver onder het reeds bedroevende niveau van zogenaamde kunst
04 De overheid komt te zitten met enorme hoeveelheden schilderijen van slechte tot middelmatige kwaliteit die door een leger van ambenaren opgeslagen en geadministreerd worden
Hugo van Reijen
Grappig dat zowel jij als Hub opeens de kunst te lijf gaan. Je beschrijft een situatie die niet meer bestaat sinds de BKR is afgeschaft. Heeft Vrijspreker ook al last van komkommertijd?
Sindsdien hebben die contra-productievelingen veeleer last van een andere BKR 😉
Het is mij ook opgevallen dat er met een harde afgunst af en toe gesproken wordt over de ontvangers van kunstsubsidies. Ik denk dat men beter de pijlen richten kan op de verstrekkers van dat geld, in plaats van op de ontvangers.
Hier volgt een reclame voor 5 miljoen euro die voor kunstenaars in 2008 ter beschikking is. Dit is maar een greep uit de doos.
Hugo van Reijen
About Kunstenaars&CO
What we do
‘Kunstenaars, Cultuur en Ondernemerschap’ (Artists, Culture and Entrepreneurship) is a Dutch non-profit organisation which stimulates and supports artists in raising their levels of professionalism and developing new areas of work. Kunstenaars&CO cooperates with more than 200 partners from the artworld and both public and private sectors.
For a growing number of organisations who wants to make the very best use of the unique skills that artists possess in social and business matters, Kunstenaars&CO is the appropriate partner. Kunstenaars&CO works with artists from all disciplines.
Work experience
About 500 artists work annually in projects which are organised by Kunstenaars&CO in collaboration with their partners from the art world and both public and private sectors. Apart from valuable work experience these projects also provide artists with new networks. For the clients, these projects constitute a valuable creative stimulus.
• Read more about our work experience projects
Training, education and coaching
For the enterprising artist, Kunstenaars&CO offers a complete set of courses as well as the post higher professional education training course ‘Beroepskunstenaars in de Klas’ (‘BIK’, Professional Artists Teach in Classroom) and ‘Kunstenaars in de Samenleving’ (KIS, Artists in Society). Between 2002 and 2007, 12,000 artists completed either a training programme or a course (during and after their vocational art training) with Kunstenaars&CO in the field of entrepreneurship. 500 Artists did the ‘BIK’ training (and now regularly work in the education sector) and approximately 5,000 artists received coaching or career management advice.
• Read more about the training course ‘KIS’
The Culture Loan
The first ‘grown-up’ credit facility for the creative sector! To date approximately 250 loans have been granted. In 140 cases a guarantee was given for a loan amount of € 5,000,000 in total.
We annually examine the professionalism of thousands of artists who want to make use of the WWIK (The Income Provisions for Artists Act). Artists who want to make use of the WWIK must be able to prove that they have received art training or are professionally active as an artist. That is why Kunstenaars&CO has the legal duty to execute the professionalism researches.
Over the last few years, approximately 3,400 times a year, Kunstenaars&CO has conducted a review of the professionalism of artists who want to make use of the WWIK.
• Read more about the WWIK
Creative co-makership
Commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ) Kunstenaars&CO, in cooperation with ‘Kunst & Zaken’ (Art & Business), is implementing a programme to help professional art education institutes to close the gap between them and professional practice by coaching project education and involving the business world in this educative process.
On this website and on http://www.beroepkunstenaar.nl artists can find all the business knowlegde they need. Kunstenaars&CO publishes over 50 up-to-date Factsheets and operates a telephone supportdesk ‘Kunstenaarslijn’. Kunstenaars&CO also regularly organises work and network meetings for artists.
• Read more on beroepkunstenaar.nl
• See the list of our translated Factsheets
• Hart Magazine,published: March 2008
Introduction:Increasingly often we see artists working in locations which would not normally be included in the sector of art. The trend is unmistakable. Artists are moving out of their ateliers, studios and rehearsal halls into the world to do their thing somewhere else. Nowadays, not only do we encounter actors, directors, dancers, musicians and visual artists in museums, theatres and concert halls, but also in companies, schools and hospitals.
Read more about this subject in Hart Magazine
Kunstenaars&CO ©2008
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