Het is voor de gemiddelde belastingbetaler moeilijk het allemaal bij te houden. CNBC heeft de getallen bijgehouden (voor de Verenigde Staten) en publiceert nu een bedrag van ” $4.28 trillion dollars.”That’s $4,284,500,000,000.- and more than what was spent on WW II”. Heeft iemand dat al eens opgeteld voor Nederland/BelgiĆ«?
Hieronder het hele artikel van CNBC:
Financial Crisis Tab Already In The TrillionsĀ
| 17 Nov 2008 | 01:01 PM ET
Given the speed at which the federal government is throwing money at the financial crisis, the average taxpayer, never mind member of Congress, might not be faulted for losing track.
CNBC, however, has been paying very close attention and keeping a running tally of actual spending as well as the commitments involved.
Try $4.28 trillion dollars. That’s $4,284,500,000,000 and more than what was spent on WW II, if adjusted for inflation, based on our computations from a variety of estimates and sources*.
Not only is it a astronomical amount of money, its’ a complicated cocktail of budgeted dollars, actual spending, guarantees, loans, swaps and other market mechanisms by the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and other offices of government taken over roughly the last year, based on government data and new releases. Strictly speaking, not every cent is directed a result of what’s called the financial crisis, but it arguably related to it.
Some 68-percent of the sum falls under the Federal Reserve’s umbrella, while another 16 percent is the under the Treasury Asset Relief Program, TARP, as defined under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, signed into law in early October. (The TARP alone is bigger than virtually any other US government endeavor dating back to the Louisiana Purchase. See slideshow.)
*References includ US National Archive, US Dept of Defense, US Bureau of Reclamation, Library of Congress, NASA, Panama Canal Authority, FDIC, Brittanica, WSJ, Time, CNN.com, and a number of other websites.
(Editor’s Note: CNBC’s Steve Liesman and Sabrina Korber have been keeping a runny tally of the government’s efforts, while Sean Entwistle, Yolaiki Gonzalez, Giovanny Moreano and Ariel Nelson researched and computed the data for the comparisons with other major historical events in the slideshow.)Ā URL: http://www.cnbc.com/id/27719011/
Ja, en er is niks tegen te doen.
Weze het dat de Asia Pacific Economic Forum (APEC) voor vrijhandel pleit.
Zelfs Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in The Telegraph, toch een conservatief boegdeeld, pleit vanmorgen voor meer Keynesianisme Ć la Brown
Washington liberals can learn something from the Gulf for a change
Dr Mohamed A Ramady
Last Updated: November 22. 2008 6:14PM UAE / November 22. 2008 2:14PM GMT
So, while neo-liberalism is dead, or at least on extended sick leave, the timing may be just right for some good old-fashioned liberalism and state intervention to take its place, at least until the cycle changes and the neo-liberal ghost rises again. For the Gulf, this cyclical change to state intervention will be nothing new, given that a completely neo-liberal, free market system never sat well with the natural instincts of governments in the Gulf, where paternal capitalism and intervention are taken for granted. Maybe Mr Obama can learn a few things from how things are managed over here.
APEC calls for free trade to fight crisis
Web posted at: 11/23/2008 1:45:33
Source ::: AGENCIES
Bush promises final, hard push for Doha deal
LIMA: Asian and American leaders called on Saturday for a global free trade deal to offset a deepening world economic crisis but progress could be tricky with a ālame duckā president in the United States.
There is really no choice: we must back Gordon Brownās blitz
The Prime Minister may be the architect of the financial mess we are in, but he is right about the measures that must now be taken ā and the Tories are wrong to oppose them
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 12:21AM GMT 23 Nov 2008
Hence the IMF has ditched half a century of fiscal orthodoxy and called for a global spending blitz equal to two per cent of world output, or $1.25 trillion. We are all Keynesians now. There are no atheists in a foxhole, and no ideologues in a liquidity trap.
Say No to Keynes
November 10th, 2008
Het volstaat om met geld te smijten om de problemen van
waardeloze digitale liquiditeit
en fractioneel-reserve bankieren
op te lossen.
Enkel de bedoeling telt.
De gevolgen van het smijten met gestolen geld worden niet onderzocht.
Het kan toch niet anders dan dat smijten de problemen oplost, zegt U?
Ik zeg dat dat smijten de problemen erger maakt.
Worst of financial crisis yet to come: IMF chief economist
http://www.zawya.com/story.cfm/sidANA20081122T204850ZRNR10/Worst Of Financial Crisis Yet To Come%3A IMF Chief Economist
ZURICH, Nov 22, 2008 (AFP) –
The IMF’s chief economist has warned that the global financial crisis is set to worsen and that the situation will not improve until 2010, a report said Saturday.
Olivier Blanchard also warned that the institution does not have the funds to solve every economic problem.
The art of economics consists in looking
not merely at the immediate
but at the longer effects of any act or policy;
it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy
not merely for one group
but for all groups.
(Henry Hazlitt, 1946
http://jim.com/econ/chap01p1.html )
Die bergen fiatpapier worden nog veel hoger want het wordt steeds duidelijker wat Obama bedoelt met “change” .
Beurzen op Wall Street vlogen vrijdag weer fors omhoog omdat een van hun vriendjes genaamd Geithner -notabene directeur van de FED in New York!- is aangesteld als de nieuwe minister van ongedekt bijdrukken & uitdelen (financiƫn genaamd in de VS).
Obama heeft toch gemeld dat hij het morele gezag van de VS wil herstellen?
En Hillary Clinton wordt minister van Buitenlandse Zaken.
Oude wijn in nieuwe zakken.
Hoe behoudend en conservatief wil je het hebben??
De communistische elite in de US bakt ze wel bruin …
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