Intenationale Libertarische Bijeenkomst in Parijs van 9 – 13 september 2009.
It will be a very exciting event in co-production with ISIL, Libertarian Alliance, Liberté chérie, Manifesto Club.
With ISIL, the Libertarian Alliance, Liberté chérie and the Manifesto Club The website is up but will get serious info on it after Easter. It is always exciting to organise a libertarian event in the country that proclaimed the Rights of Man.
Witness our first snag. Our local organiser had booked a venue by email, a splendid high-tech auditorium with side rooms for coffee breaks, etc. in the Institut Henri Poincaré building. We sent the deposit money as requested – only to see it retuned a few days later with a curt explanation that our conference did not meet the Institute’s objectives.
It is all the more ironic that this ministry of Education entity applies two tariffs, one for events about mathematics, to keep with the tradition of its namesake; another for conferences on “other issues”. We had been quoted the higher tariff, fairly enough, but someone there must have suddenly realised that freedom is not part of “other issues”.
Be that as it may we now have another venue, but we had to move up the dates of the conference. It will take place Wed 9 – Sun 13 September.
Presentations will be in English. The list of speakers and issues addressed will be finalised soon, but libertarians and others interested in the defence of our freedoms should already enter the dates in their agenda.