griepvaccin-fabricageAls u van plan bent zich binnenkort te laten vaccineren, zou het niet onverstandig zijn tevoren een hoge levensverzekering af te sluiten. Ik wil u niet bang maken, maar wellicht wordt u ingespoten met het met levend vogelgriepvirus besmette vaccin van Baxter AG (Oostenrijk), dochterbedrijf van Baxter International Deerfield (Ill., USA), als tenminste minister Klink even niet opgelet heeft (want let wel, het vaccin wordt buiten de gebruikelijke kanalen  om door hem ingekocht, geïmporteerd, opgeslagen en gedistribueerd). In dat geval kunt u zich het beste meteen ter observatie laten opnemen, want dan loopt u een gerede kans, dat u het niet lang maakt. Zegt het voort!  

Ongelooflijk maar waar

De medisch journaliste Jane Burgermeister publiceerde in augustus op haar website het volgende relaas (door mij vertaald en gecorrigeerd voor kennelijke vergissingen, S-N):

“In februari 2009 fabriceerde en distribueerde het Oostenrijkse dochterbedrijf van het Amerikaanse farmaceutische bedrijf Baxter 72 kilo vaccinatiemateriaal, dat besmet was met het vogelgriepvirus, het H5N1 virus, naar 16 laboratoria in vier landen, aldus “The Times of India”.

Het besmette vaccinatiemateriaal bestond uit een mengsel van seizoen H3N2 menselijk influenza virus en het dodelijke H5N1 virus. Door toevoeging van het type H5N1 virus aan een gewoon type H3N2 griep virus produceerde Baxter een zeer gevaarlijk biologisch wapen. Het levende vogelgriepvirus werd door de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO aan Baxter geleverd. Een staflid van een gecontracteerd laboratorium in de Tsjechische Republiek ontdekte deze dodelijke besmetting, toen alle dieren die men testte stierven door het vaccin.

Aangezien Baxter verplicht is BSL3 (biosafety level 3) voorzorgsmaatregelen te nemen in zijn laboratorium, wanneer men met H5N1 virus omgaat (geclassificeerd als een biologisch agens, BSL3 of 4 onder EU-regelgeving), zijn deze veiligheidsmaatregelen van toepassing, zodat onopzettelijke besmetting van gewoon influenza materiaal met het gevaarlijke H5N1 virus onmogelijk zou moeten zijn.

Met andere woorden, deze dodelijke besmetting en verspreiding had bijna zeker een criminele bedoeling. Zesendertig mensen moesten preventief worden opgenomen in Oostenrijk en de Tsjechische Republiek, wegens hun blootstelling aan deze besmetting met het vaccin, hetgeen het gevaar onderstreept.

Op 8 april heb ik mijn eerste reeks aanklachten ingediend waarin de Weense Openbare Aanklager en de Oostenrijkse politie nu onderzoek verrichten.

Vervolgens heb ik meerdere aanklachten ingediend betreffende het verhullen ervan door de Oostenrijkse regering in Juli, een bioterroristisch incident in een Zwitserse trein in April en een serie aanklachten tegen bij de FBI bij de ambassade van de Verenigde Staten in Wenen in Juni over de uitbraak van de “varkensgriep”.”

Kort commentaar

Tot zover het relaas van Jane Burgermeister, die de stoute schoenen heeft aangetrokken en het hele door en door corrupte, oercriminele en gewetenloze politieke en medisch-farmaceutische establishment in het Westen, uitgezonderd de onschuldigen,  op de korrel neemt met haar aanklachten wegens samenzwering en (poging tot) genocide. Lees de spectaculaire beschouwing in onderstaande Volkskrantpagina, surf naar de links en lees de aanklachten van de dappere Jane Burgermeister.


Video van Dr. Leonard Horowitz:

Verdere literatuur:

Volkskrant, opiniepagina: “alles” over het massaschandaal (wel blijven surfen !)


  1. Klootzakken zijn al hard bezig om vaccinatie van de Mexicaanse griep verplicht te maken. Het hele verhaal rammelt aan alle kanten over de zogenaamde griep. De mensheid met een IQ boven de 120 zijn niet achterlijk.

  2. Len Horowitz – Pandemic Charges Filed With FBI In NYC
    Email This Post
    September 19, 2009 by POPEYE
    Filed under False Flag Terrorism, Featured Stories

    The substance of the message below on a false flag h1n1 flu pandemic has been widely discussed on the net for months, but the message indicates the first serious US legal action I have seen on it. I have with the help of many been tracking this issue as it affects states and localities, anticipating the need to file injunction lawsuits v. any government taking steps to compel vaccination. It is presumed by Dr. Horowitz and others that government will attempt to compel vaccination v. h1n1, which is not possible under current law, especially US Constitution and state constitution law for many First Amendment and related privacy and civil rights reasons. I offer the message as a warning
    as to how serious the talks, research and some of the proposed h1n1 policy state laws under consideration opposing civil rights, especially in ME, MA and OK, have become.
    Having read of lawsuits filed against h1n1 in Europe for reasons indicated in the below article, I am convinced that there is considerable reason not to take any new so called h1n1 vaccine, and to prepare for simlilar suits in the US, which I am prepared to do.
    To lawyers receiving this message, I welcome your comments on how to prepare clients and friends to defend against unconstitutional h1n1 legislation and acts, and any common effort we might begin in the US.

    Harold Burbank
    2008 CT Green Party candidate, US House
    Release: No. H1N1-15
    Date Mailed: Sept. 15, 2009
    For Immediate Release
    Contact: Rob Potter–(959) 715-1520 or 310-877-5002

    LOS ANGELES, CA — Drug-industry investigators have uncovered documents exposing an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.
    Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released evidence in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology “trust” are behind the pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccinations. Their documents, being sent by attorneys to the FBI this week, evidence industrialists are operating a crime ring within the “Partnership for New York City” (PNYC), and are behind the pandemic’s creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions.
    “David Rockefeller’s trust, that engages several powerful partners on Wall Street, including media moguls Ruppert Murdock, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Speyer, are implicated in advancing global genocide,” Dr. Horowitz wrote to FBI directors.
    “This ‘partnership’ controls biotechnology research and development globally. Health commerce internationally is also controlled virtually entirely by this trust that also exercises near complete control over mainstream media to promote/propagandize its products and services for the drug cartel’s organized crime. This trust, in essence, makes or breaks medical and natural healing markets, primarily through the mass media companies and propaganda it wields for social engineering and market building,” Dr. Horowitz wrote.
    Among the revelations from the Horowitz-Kane research are those linking Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties, Inc., and the 9-11 terrorist attacks, to the drug cartel’s geopolitical, economic, and population reduction activities. Mr. Silverstein, leaser of the World Trade Center who authorized to have Building-7 “pulled” [detonated] is a chief suspect in the “9-11 truth” investigation. Silverstein is currently landlord and co-partner in the biotechnology trust founded by David Rockefeller and implicated by these new discoveries.
    Given the unprecedented nature and urgency of these findings, Dr. Horowitz has posted his affidavit for public review on, hoping wide spread dissemination will prompt governments worldwide to cease mass vaccination preparations to avoid becoming accessories.
    “The last time I contacted the FBI I warned them about the impending anthrax attacks one week before the first mailings were announced in the press,” Dr. Horowitz recalled. “It took them 6 months to respond. When they did, they made me a suspect in the mailings. This time I am warning the Justice Department a month before the deadliest genocide in history. I’m praying they’ll take kindly to my appeal for a PNYC investigation, and Court-ordered injunction, to stop the vaccinations for public protection.”

    Attorney Harold H. Burbank, II
    84 N. Mountain Rd.
    Canton, CT 06019

  3. @Bon Vivant [7]: Ambtenaren eisen slechts dan voorrang wanneer het overduidellijk voordelen oplevert. Een onbewezen virus doet dat niet dus ik heb het vermoeden dat ook de ambtenaren niet vooraan zullen staan als er prikjes worden uitgedeelt.

  4. @SieS [10]:

    Precies, waarmee? Niet met datgene wat jij of ik zou moeten krijgen, dat is zeker.

    Aan de hoogste boom met die klink, evenals de meesten in de 2e kamer. Verraders voor poen.

    Is er geen inenting voor poen, want dat is met recht doodsoorzaak nummero uno. Voor poen wordt vermoord, verkracht, opgelicht etc. Poen is de ergste ziekte die je krijgen kunt.

  5. Tja dat griepvaccin, tijd zal uitwijzen wat ons daaromtrent nog te wachten staat.
    Als ik me niet vergis, blijft het desondanks tot nu toe de grote uitbraak is uitgebleven en er weinig doden zijn, de kans bestaan dat het virus muteert, en het nog een hele andere richting kan uitgaan.

    Ik kende het verhaal rond Jane Burgermeister al vaag. Knap dat de Volkskrant er aandacht aan besteedt.
    Ik ga het eens rustig lezen.
    Beetje jammer rond dit thema is dat ik als leek niet weet van welk hout ik pijlen moet maken.
    Mensen met wel een medische achtergrond, hebben het te druk met hun werk en hebben dan weer te weinig kennis van politiek om het volledige plaatje te vatten. Daardoor blijft het in de MSM al WHO wat de klok slaat.

    @Hub Jongen [15]:Ok, ik was het ook kwijt, thanks voor de info.

  6. Omdat de meesten van ons leken zijn, dacht ik het maar te vragen aan onze “leiders” die alles weten en bestieren!

    Aan minister Klink en da Fractievoorzitters:

    Geachte Fractieleider,
    Ik, (en velen met mij), maak mij ernstige zorgen over levensgevaarlijk bedrog bij de vaccinatie tegen de Mexicaanse griep.
    Het goed gedocumenteerde artikel: van 20 september op de Vrijspreker zal u zeker van de ernst ervan overtuigen.
    Ik hoop en denk dat het voor u mogelijk is om deze ongerustheid zo snel mogelijk weg te nemen.
    Ik zal dan zorgen dat uw antwoord ook gecommuniceerd wordt naar de lezers van de Vrijspreker.
    Al vast Hartelijk Dank,
    ir H.J. Jongen

    P.S. Ik heb een dergelijke vraag ook al aan Minister Klink gestuurd.

  7. Wat de mogelijke motieven van de bioterroristen zijn, kan men opmaken uit een citaat van een microbioloog van de Mossad, Joseph Moshe:

    “Swine flue vaccin is bioweapon”

    En wie het nog niet gelooft, hoeft maar even het volgende citaat te checken om aan zijn zekerheden te moeten gaan twijfelen:

    “Where’s the meat? Well – Baxter is now being sued for the deliberate, repeated contamination of vaccines with biological weapons designed – by them – to mass-murder people. Here is the complaint (PDF). By some kook nutcase? Not likely – Jane Burgermeister is an experienced, respected journalist. She is not the only one suing Baxter for planning and executing a plan for global genocide: Other are filing complaints as well. Read a well-researched complaint here (PDF).

    Motive? The latter complaint alludes to it. Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones? An enormous monument loaded with Masonic symbolism costing millions of dollars, it has been erected by unknown, powerful elites (multimillionaires with the clout to erect monuments wherever they please, obviously) around 30 years ago. It gives an “alternative ten commandments”, of which the first is the extermination of six and a half billion people from the face of the Earth. Half a billion will remain. This is the number of people the planet can sustain indefinitely, so that the descendents of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers can live in peace and affluence indefinitely. Slaves are needed to produce that luxury, but 500 million will do just fine. But how does one go about killing off most of the world?

    “Vaccinating” the planet with a bioweapon with near-100% mortality would do the trick. Baxter would provide both the bioweapon as well as the vaccine against it to “civilized” Western peoples. Result: We can plunder Africa, we have no more competition from SE Asia, the oil is for our taking and only Western and perhaps Chinese sheeple remain.

    Rockefeller said this in 1994 at a U.N. dinner: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

    PNAC said something similar right before 9/11.”

  8. Citaat uit de aanklacht

    In the event of a level 6 pandemic level designation from the WHO, President Obama has the right to implement emergency measures: Americans would be subject to compulsory vaccinations and possible detention because of the Patriot Act I, Patriot II, BARDA, BioShield I, BioShield II, BARDA, Federal or State Emergency Medical Powers Acts, FEMA and other laws, provisions and regulations. Also, as the pressure increases on Obama to produce a valid Birth certificate, Obama and his international criminal syndicate backers are seeking to accelerate the declaration of a Pandemic Level 6 by WHO to avert the political destabilization of their man. Lawsuits have been filed contesting that Obama is ineligible to be President of the United States of America because he is not a natural-born citizen as defined by US law because, among other reasons, Hawaii, the birthplace of Obama‘s mother was not a state.

    Uit een ander citaat zou de keuze blijken die de Illuminati/Bilderbergers hebben gemaakt. (Dit zou door een onderzoek door de FBI, waarbij de aanklacht is gedeponeerd, moeten worden bevestigd, S-N):

    In an interview on the Alex Jones show, Trudeau acknowledged he had been in Greece around the time of the annual Bilderberg meeting in Athens and implied that he attended the Bilderberg Group meeting, stating that he personally knew many Bilderberg members who he ―conversed with on a regular basis‖, including Crown Prince Albert II of Monaco. Trudeau expands on the conviction of the Bilderberg, a group associated with the Illuminati, that they are genetically superior to the rest of humanity.
    Bilderberg attendees go on record playing down the content of the meetings, portraying them as a series of dry policy discussions. However, their refusal to divulge the contents of their meetings is consistent with the contention that
    this is a group meeting in secret to plot financial and biological crimes against humanity. According to Trudeau the elite, comprising the Illuminati and Bilderberg, openly talk about their desire for a massive global population reduction, something indirectly confirmed by elite insiders like Jonathan Porrit, UK government ―green‖ advisor, calling for the population of the UK to be reduced in the Times to 30 million on March 22, 2009 in the interval between the release of the bird flu pandemic material in Austria and the swine flu pandemic material in Mexico.
    ( A week later on March 31st, an interview with Dr Nina Federoff, advisor to President Obama, appeared in the BBC, in which Dr Federoff stated there were too many people on the planet: „We need to continue to decrease the growth rate of the global population; the planet can’t support many more people,” Dr Fedoroff said, stressing the need for humans to become much better at managing “wild lands”, and in particular water supplies.― ―Some of the conversations you have on the 200 foot yachts off the coast of Monaco – you can‘t believe what really goes on behind closed doors,‖ said Trudeau, noting that Alex Jones had exposed such issues in his documentary films, notably Endgame. The billionaire said that he had recently spent time in Monaco with Crown Prince Albert II. Trudeau stated that elitists he had talked to thought their plans were for the greater good of humanity but that they believed there were two classes of people on earth, the ruling elite and the ―worker bees,‖ , and that the elite were defined not necessarily by money or power, but by their genetic ancestry.
    Trudeau shockingly detailed conversations with elitists during which they brazenly admitted their desire for massive global population reduction.
    ―I‘ve been sitting on the boats off the coast of Barbados with the guys who basically said we need to get two-thirds of the dumb people off the planet – I‘ve been in the meetings,‖ said Trudeau, adding that such words were not spoken in an evil manner, but in a ―matter of fact‖ way under the pretext that such a thing would be for the good of planet earth. Revealingly, Trudeau said that elitists see Alex Jones as an annoyance but tolerate him because they believe Jones as well as Trudeau himself are, ―desensitizing people to these realities,‖ – which in a way works to their benefit. ―I‘ve been told that‘s why I still get invited on the yachts,‖ added Trudeau. Trudeau aid that the elite was divided into two camps, one larger faction that, ―Categorically believes they are genetically superior than the rest of the population,‖ and another smaller faction, mainly comprising of younger people, that are feeding Trudeau information who, ―Have come to the conclusion that some people are smarter than others, some people are more talented than others, some people are more motivated to work….but everyone should be allowed to succeed or fail based on their own choices or initiative….and that‘s where there‘s a split and a division right now at the highest levels,‖ said Trudeau. Also, among the Bilderberg attendees in Athens was John Kerr, of Royal Dutch Shell, underlining the financial connection between the Illuminati and Bilderbergs and oil companies. Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands, who also attended the meeting, is a leading Bilderberg member. Her father Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, was a member of Nazi Germany‘s SS and worked for IG Farben, helped organize the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954, and later served on more than 300 corporate boards.
    Rather than relieving the pressure on the environment by switching over to renewable energy sources, the financial elite have agreed in secret to reduce the world‘s population and by means of the use of a huge secret bioweapons programme hidden from the general public under the guise of protecting the general public against a pandemic they created by using vaccines, and they discussed their plans for depopulation, so Kevin Trudeau has suggested, at the Bilderberg meeting in Athens.
    Attending the meeting in Athens were key players in the bioweapons programme, including the CEO of Novartis, Daniel Vassella, and Werner Faymann, whose government has given cover to Baxter‘s subsidiary in Austria in triggering a pandemic.


    XXXVIII. Conclusion There is evidence that there is an international criminal corporate crime syndicate, directed by a group called the Illuminati, who are planning the mass murder of the people of the USA by using an artificial virus as a pretext to deliver toxic vaccinations. The pandemic flu vaccine is a) classed as a ―bioweapon‖ according to the US government‘s own documents (see Attachment 1), b) the vaccine companies tasked with producing the vaccine have been involved in the activities of the type typical of bioweapons, including developing weaponized viruses, releasing them into the general public, in deliberate contamination of vaccines resulting in death and injury and designing trials of vaccine to cause death and injury and there is a high probability the vaccines will be cause injury or death, and c) the government is acting unconstitutionally and illegally in compelling them to take an injection of a substance classified as bioweapon d) in criminalizing a refusal, and e) in waiving people‘s right to claim compensation in the event of injury or damage, and f) by misusing the US population as ―vectors‖ to spread the pandemic because the act of mass vaccination, that is to say, of forced injections of toxins under guise of offering prophylactic treatment is the very process by which the virus will be able to mutate and release a fully weaponized virus.

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