libertarismeIn samenwerking met de politieke Engelse Libertarian Party heeft Gary Reed een nieuwe “Nieuws-site” geopend: “The Libertarian Examiner”

Hij belooft te zorgen ons good op de hoogte te houden over wat er (vooral in Engeland)  gebeurt.

Het geeft altijd weer meer moed als we ook in de rest van de wereld vorderingen van het libertarisme kunnen constateren.
“All Libertarian All the Time” News Source Launched

 Libertarian news Examiner”

The new Libertarian News Examiner web page quietly “went live” over the weekend with the publication of three explicitly libertarian news articles.

 Content for the new libertarian news source is developed and written independently but is published as part of, an online digital media giant with news outlets in 129 US cities.

 The Libertarian News Examiner will feature breaking news stories about the activities and events of libertarian organizations and individuals from around the country.

 “The whole concept is a two-way street,” says Garry Reed, developer of the project. “Libertarians send in article ideas and photos of their events, I develop them into news features and publish them on Examiner where our fellow libertarians can see what’s going on and then respond with their own contributions.”

 The first few articles were picked up by Google News, which spreads the libertarian message into the mainstream, meaning that libertarians won’t just be “preaching to the choir.”

 Reed, a longtime libertarian writer and “opinionizer” has been writing libertarian commentary, op-eds, and freelance articles for nearly 10 years, and is currently writing the Dallas Libertarian Examiner as an independent contractor for

 “My goal is to create the biggest and best nationwide libertarian go-to news source on the internet,” Reed proclaims. “But I can’t do it by myself. The more contributors we have, the more readers we have, the more success we’ll have. It’s really just that simple.”

 A page on Reed’s personal website, The Loose Cannon Libertarian, has been set up with details for individual libertarians and organizations who want to publicize their events or just contribute article ideas and photos:

Sources:  Libertarian news Examiner


  1. Ik ben op het moment in Engeland op een stage en ga van het weekend meedoen aan een anti-oorlogs demonstratie in Hyde Park.
    Het zou goed zijn als wat libertariers zich daar gingen profileren tussen de massa. Misschien een idee voor Mr. Reed.

  2. ”Laissez-faire capitalism is the only social system based on the recognition of individual rights and, therefore, the only system that bans force from social relationships. By the nature of its basic principles and interests, it is the only system fundamentally opposed to war.…”
    – Ayn Rand

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