Of medelijden met de belastingbetalers die gedwongen worden dit alles te betalen?
Of verwijten aan de kiezers die dit alles laten gebeuren?
Zeg het maar.
Open Europe heeft eens bekeken hoeveel de commissaris profiteren van de werkende productieve mensen. We zouden dit graag voor u in het Nederlands brengen, maar jammer genoeg ontbreekt ons de tijd, zeker als we het u tijdig willen brengen:
Outgoing EU Commissioners cost taxpayers €35.6 million |
At the end of November European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso announced the line-up for the next five-year Commission mandate, including the controversial appointment of French MEP Michel Barnier as EU Commissioner for Internal Market, with the key responsibility for financial services. Open Europe has calculated that the 13 EU Commissioners leaving their jobs as a result of the new appointments have cost taxpayers €2.7 million each during their time in office. Through earnings and pay-offs, they will walk away with a total of more than €35.6 million.
This includes an average €1.3 million in ‘golden goodbyes’ for each Commissioner. The total bill in ‘golden goodbyes’, including pensions, for those leaving is more than €16.6 million, with their pension costs expected to be worth a combined total of more than €11.6 million over their lifetimes. Each Commissioner stepping down is entitled to a ‘resettlement allowance’ of a month’s salary (€19,910 or €22,122 for Vice Presidents), irrespective of how long they have served; a ’transition allowance’ paid for 3 years worth between 40 and 65 percent of their final salary (this is a minimum of €286,703 but can rise to as much as €438,017 for a long-serving Vice-President); as well as a generous pension worth at least €51,069 a year from the age of 65, for those serving for five years. This is in addition to the €238,919 a Commissioner earns per year in basic salary, or €1,194,595 over a full five-year term. Vice-Presidents earn €265,465 or €1,327,325 over five years. This does not include other perks such as housing allowances and entertainment allowances, worth between €43,122 and €50,757 every year. One of the biggest winners is Polish Commissioner Pawel Samecki, who has only been in the job six months, but will walk away with a ‘golden goodbye’ of €391,898. This is in addition to the €141,020 he has made in earnings alone. The highest earners in the outgoing Commission were Margot Wallstrom and Gunter Verhuegen who each pocketed €2,991,313 for their ten years in Brussels. They will each receive annual pensions of €113,486 for the rest of their lives. The newly-appointed EU Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton, who took over as EU Trade Commissioner from Lord Mandelson last year, took home €282,040 in earnings for just over a year in office. (Sunday Times, 29 November) Please leave your comments on our blog: http://openeuropeblog.blogspot.com/2009/11/eu-commissioners-golden-parachutes.html
Vergeleken met het inkomen en emolumenten van de familie Van Amsberg zijn deze eurocraten natuurlijk miezerige amateurs. Dat moet beter kunnen! Zijn Bea, Wimpie en Maksie te huur als consultant? Of hebben zij het te druk met vakantie vieren?
Hub Jongen [2] reageerde op deze reactie.
@Bon Vivant [1]:
Let wel, ophet nivea van Kommissar bepaal je zelf je inkomen.
henk [3] reageerde op deze reactie.
@Hub Jongen [2]:
een interview met Nigel farage
Ach weten we ook dat ons geld ehm… goed wordt besteedt.
Als er íets duidelijk wordt in dit stuk is het wel dat ze binnen de EU commissie vooral goed voor zichzelf zorgen maar dat was al wel bekend.
Parasieten zijn het.
Gelukkig dat ze weggaan, want nu kunnen ze geen domme dingen meer doen, die nog meer geld kosten. Of hun opvolgers het beter doen valt te betwijfelen. Gebakken lucht stijgt namelijk altijd sneller, dan mensen die hun gewicht in goud waard zijn. Als we steeds de verkeerde mensen kiezen, moeten we ons dat wel steeds zelf aanrekenen. Misschien is de PVV wel een goed breekijzer.
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