Cato University heeft haar zomerprogramma dit jaar in Annapolis, Maryland, van 24 – 29 juli.
Een op hoog niveau cursus in politieke economie.
Zolang er in Nederland nog niet een dergelijke mogelijkheid is, blijft de reis naar Amerika wel de moeite waard, maar er hangt natuurlijk wel een prijskaartje aan!
Senator Rand Paul Joins Cato University Speakers
This year’s Cato University program — July 24 – 29 in Annapolis, Maryland — offers a one-of-a-kind immersion into economic, philosophical, and historical principles, and into the foundations of libertarianism and individual liberty. Exemplifying the exceptional nature of this year’s event, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has recently joined the list of Cato University speakers, and will be addressing and meeting with participants on July 26 at a special Capitol Hill dinner program. Learn more about the program, including the daily schedule and registration details.
Summer Seminar on Political Economy
July 24 – 29 -Loews Annapolis Hotel -Annapolis, MD
Ik zou me toch eerst even verdiepen in het gedachtengoed achter Cato.
Lees dit:
En de verdere analyse van Stephan Kinsella, compleet met links:
“While it is admirable that the institutions such as the Cato Institute and the Libertarian Party are trying to undermine the state from within (and without a doubt they are right on many issues), they will fail when they stray so far from the path. I read articles from Cato that were pro-war, and even supported pro-war Fred Thompson over the only true libertarian in the race, Ron Paul. If an organization cannot see that war is the health of the state, then they do not truly understand libertarianism. ”
Ik zou mijn tijd niet willen besteden aan de verhalen van die gasten van Cato.
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