Tax_Freedom_Day De Foundation for Economic Reform “Quid Novi” heeft op a.s. donderdag een persconferentie inclusief lunch waarvoor u bij deze bent uitgenodigd. Het gaat er om dat donderdag 27 juni in Nederland BelastingVrijheidsDag is.  Tot nu heeft namelijk de gemiddelde Nederlander alleen maar gewerkt voor de belastingen!!


Vanaf dan, mag hij zijn verdienste zelf houden.

Althans volgens de berekeningen van de stichting. Want ik vrees dat het te optimistisch gerekend is als BTW, Gemeentebelasting en Accijnzen worden meegeteld.  Maar dat hoort u beter en uitgebreider op de Persconferentie


Geachte geïnteresseerde in Financiën en fiscale thema’s,

Graag nodigen wij u uit voor een lunchbijeenkomst in Perscentrum Nieuwspoort, komende donderdag 27 juni as.


Tijdens deze (inloop) bijeenkomst zal Europarlementariër Derk Jan Eppink stil staan bij Tax Liberation Day in Nederland, wat dit is en wat dit inhoudt voor Nederland. (voor een uitgebreidere beschrijving verwijs ik u naar de tekst hieronder).

Tijdens zijn korte presentatie zal hij onder meer ingaan op vragen als:  Is er een correlatie tussen hoge werkloosheid en hoge belastingdruk? Wat zijn de verschillen met andere EU lidstaten en zijn er verschillen in andere (zoals energie-) belastingen tussen (west-) Europa en bijvoorbeeld de VS. Wat voor lering kunnen we hieruit trekken.

De presentatie vindt plaats tussen 12:00 en 13:00, waarna gelegenheid is voor enkele vragen.
Zou u uw aanwezigheid willen aanmelden via
Bij voorbaat hartelijk dank.

Wij hopen u te verwelkomen op de Tax Liberation Day.
Hartelijke groeten,
Drs. Eline Altenburg-van den Broek

Quid Novi,  Foundation for Economic reform
Houtweg 50  2514BN The Hague   The Netherlands    +31 6 15254637

  Tax Liberation Day in The Netherlands
 Location: International Press Centre Nieuwspoort
Lange Poten 10   2511 CL The Hague   The Netherlands
T +31-70-3469440   F +31-70-3642380

Event date: Thursday 27 June 2013, 12:00 – 13:30 (including lunch)

Speakers: Derk Jan Eppink (Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of New Direction Foundation) and Eline van den Broek (Director of Quid Novi Foundation)

  At what point in the year does a typical taxpayer keep his earnings and stop paying the state – his “tax liberation day”? The only EU-wide study using consistent methodology calculates how long people have to work in 27 EU member countries in 2013 before they can keep their earnings and stop paying the state. Cypriot workers have the lightest burden, working until 14 March to finance their government. Belgians, who work until 8 August, maintain their position as the worst afflicted. For the fourth consecutive year, an EU wide calendar of “Tax Liberation Days” for typical workers in each of the 27 EU member countries has been released by the Brussels-based New Direction Foundation (data provided by Ernst & Young). Using one consistent methodology across all EU member countries, with data reflecting the tax reality experienced by real, working people, the study calculates the TAX LIBERATION DAYS which for The Netherlands is  June 27.

Featuring Derk Jan Eppink (MeP, vice-president of New Direction Foundation) and Eline van den Broek (director Quid Novi Foundation), this event will seek to answer this means for The Netherlands, what conclusions should be drawn and what are they key findings from the 2013 study?

  Derk Jan Eppink studied Law and International Relations in Amsterdam. He started his career working in the European Commission and the European Parliament after which he switched to Journalism. Eppink started writing for the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, first on Southern Africa, then as correspondent in Poland and Czechoslovakia and finally as political editor in Dutch politics.

 In 1994 he changed allegiance and started working for the Flemish newspaper De Standaard as political editor in Belgian politics. In 1998 he published his first book, Strange Neighbours, on the political and cultural differences between the Netherlands and Belgium.

 In 1999, Eppink joined the cabinet of Commissioner Bolkestein and thereafter joined the cabinet of Commissioner and Vice-President of the Commission, Siim Kallas. After his Commission period he published his book Life of a European Mandarin, which gives insight on daily life of EU officials.

 In 2007, Eppink moved to the US, to New York. For magazines in the Netherlands and Belgium he reported on the American presidential election 2008. In 2009, Eppink was elected to the European Parliament for the Flemish Lijst Dedecker and he joined the European Conservatives and Reformists. In 2010, he published Bonfire of Bureaucracy, in which he describes the autonomous growth of EU officialdom and the danger of EU taxes that will give the EU the means to gorw beyond democratic control.

Eline van den Broek is the founder of the Quid Novi, Foundation for Economic Reform in The Netherlands. After graduating from Utrecht University’s honours college in 2002, where she specialized in economics, law and political science, Eline graduated cum laude in political science from Leiden University in 2003. After her master thesis investigation “To what extent did the media subsidize political parties during the election campaigns in 2003?”, Eline joined the Dutch think tank Edmund Burke Foundation to specialize in healthcare policy. In 2005, Eline took the initiative to raise a new independent public policy institute the European Independent Institute which was given the new name Quid Novi in 2009. The foundation is partnering think tank of the Brussels-based New Direction Foundation.

As Quid Novi’s health policy analyst, Eline works on a range of healthcare projects, specializing in cost containment policies in Europe and the United States. Among her research interests are managed competition in the insurance market, the FEHB, Medicare Part D, health insurancereform in different countries, cross border health systems and strategies to (pharmaceutical) cost containment and their effect on outcomes.Apart from Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Policy, Quid Novi engages in research in the fields of Finance & Tax Policy, as well as Security & Defense Policy. This research is carried outby a pool of project-based research fellows.

Eline currently lives in Atlanta (United States), where she studies Health Economics and Policy at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University.  For think tanks in the US, Eline has published research related to the Affordable Care Act and cross-nation comparative studies of healthcare systems. In 2008, Eline received a post-master degree in Journalism from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (PDOJ). She has reported and commented upon political developments in various media and contributed to many websites, (inter)national newspapers and magazines, and is frequently seen and heard on radio and tv.

Eline van den Broek, director
Quid Novi Foundation  Houtweg 50   2514 BN Den Haag
Tel. 0031 6 15254637
E-mail:    Internet:

Marc Bijlstra ,Manager Reservations/Sales
Internationaal Perscentrum Nieuwspoort
Lange Poten 10      2511 CL  Den Haag   Tel: 070-3469440



  1. Wat dat betreft vind ik de EU weer erg laat met het gelijktrekken van de belastingstelsels. Was dat maar zo! Als we het gemiddelde van Europa zouden betalen aan belasting, zouden we beter af zijn.

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